Rachael C. is on the menu

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I was one of the bustiest girls in my neighborhood growing up, if not the bustiest, but I didn't start to develop until I was 14 or 15, so you could say I was a late developer. I caught up! said Rachael C., who was born in Newcastle, England. "Sometimes I have to go to a special bra shop, but most of the time I will just squeeze into something off the rack, even if it doesn't fit exactly. And I always get push-up bras, not that I need them." Rachael was pointed in our direction by her friend, Katie Thornton. Can you imagine those two busty blondes walking down the street together, boobs bouncing, heads turning, cars crashing into each other? Rachael flew to Prague, Czech Republic for her shoots, including this video in which she's playing in the kitchen. "It was fun," she said. "I enjoyed it. I like being naked, so that's always fun. And I got to see the old city and the castle. You can get lost here. There are so many winding streets!" You can get lost in Rachael's curves. Rachael loves animals, including horndogs. "I have a little dog of my own, called Thor. He's a little Pomeranian puppy. Very small. It's that little-man dog syndrome with him. They think they're big when they're tiny! It's appropriate. He thinks he's a big guy." Rachael often dresses to show off her curves. "It depends on where I'm going. They are always going to be out and obvious. I can't help that. But if I am going for a night out, I will wear a very revealing outfit, like a cut-out dress or something that's very low-cut, so they're out even more. I generally don't try to hide them. Why should I?"
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