Rachel Aldana
Rachel Aldana
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Hi gang! Thanks for checking out my Bio page, where you'll find out more about me, who I am, my interests and what I like to do. My modeling came about a few years back when I won the now famous "Biggest Boobs in Britain" contest through Page 3 here in the U.K. and I was inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the largest natural breasts in all of England. I did a few appearances here and there after that, but none of it was topless-style glam posing as I do now. That only recently came about when I hooked up with the fine folks at PinupFoto Studios and PinupGlam.Com and they have helped me enormously in my modeling and with this whole website endeavor, which has been a lot of work but ultimately very rewarding and the contact with all my amazing fans has been absolutely the best. I cannot thank you all enough for all your kind words and support since I made my debut in December of 2007 and I will not forget you, as you all have been terrifically fantastic.

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